Dealing with a devastating disease
When we talk about cancer, we must be staggering about these data related to death rate of cancer and a lot of negative news on this malignant disease. Based on 2014 global cancer statistics [1], as a sum up, we can see approximately 14 million people diagnosed with cancer while 8.2 million people died of it in 2014(Figure 1). Let us move on to other statistics from National Center for Health Statistics [2]. Figure 2 shows the annual top 10 killers in US, 2019. It is clearly that the heart disease has occupied the first place and our major role----cancer follows its step. Then someone may argue that: Well, since the heart disease is the most lethal disease in US, we should focus much on it instead of cancer. However, cancer has a unique character we should not neglect. Just imagine that if we eradicate some sorts of illnesses such as COPD, pneumonia, people might extend their lengths of life, which will increase the risk of getting cancer. As a prediction, cancer is likely to surpass the heart disease in the coming future.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Now maybe we have known that something more serious than we expected is taking place worldwide. Before we wonder solutions to defend against this dreadful disease, occupying some knowledge of cancer would be a better choice. In figure 1, you may notice that the top 3 cancers that take away lots of people’s life. Let us take them for instance.
Well, figure 3 actually contains 3 pictures----from left to right and up to down, they are colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. If you visualize them carefully, you will find that in all of these organs invaded by cancers, there exists ulcerating masses. This phenomenon shows that cancer are abnormal cells that grow without limitation, which leads to these ulcerating masses. This kind of cancers commonly belongs to adenocarcinoma, a malignant tumor in glandular tissue or a malignant tumor with cells arranged in patterns similar to those of a gland [3]. So, if we think about this issue reversely, we can find some solutions to these cancers from glands because they originate from or relating to the glands inside of our body. Of course, there are many other prospective that we should consider to deal with the cancer. So far scientists have discovered some specific methods to handle them, so let us move on to discuss how we can prevent or treat the disease in an effective way as mortals.
Figure 3
We will present this process of how to prevent cancers effectively to you with a short clip, so do please check attached video which shows our ideas of keeping away from cancer.
After watching the video, we hope that you will find it helpful for you to understand how to fight against cancer better. There is a famous Japanese anime called はたらく細胞. In the Episode 7, Season 1 of this anime, the NK cell beat the cancer cell eventually through cellular activation [4]. What leaves me a deep impression is the cellular activation is caused by laughing of the NK cells (In this anime, cells are anthropomorphized and they show up in a human form). This implies that all of us, whether we have cancer or not, should stay positive all the time and face the cancer bravely and calmly.
Reference lists
[1]: CDC (2015, August 24). Global Cancer Statistics
[2]: National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, Mortality. [EB/OL]
[3]: Microsoft Bing Dictionary [EB/OL] adenocarcinoma - Bing 词典
[4]:工作细胞 第七集 哔哩哔哩 [EB/OL] 工作细胞第7集-番剧-全集-高清独家在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩
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